August 28, 2014

150 000th New Citizen Welcomed to Canada This Month

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

As of August 2014, Canada has welcomed 150 000 new citizens to the country this year. This is a milestone to be celebrated! Despite recent controversial changes and reforms to Canadian immigration law, we have already doubled the amount of new citizens welcomed compared to 2013, as a result of reduced backlogs and an overall improvement in processing times. While visiting a citizenship ceremony in Scarborough last week, Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander said:

“Our government is proud to welcome more new citizens to the Canadian family. The increased number of new Canadians in 2014 is an indication that our government’s changes to the citizenship system are working. With our recent changes to the Citizenship Act, we will see improved processing times and high numbers of new Canadians taking on the rights and responsibilities that come with citizenship.”

Since 2006, Canada has welcomed more than 1.3 million new citizens to the country.


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