November 1, 2013

Big Plans for the Parent and Grandparent Program in 2014

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Posted by: Alexa Woods

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has great aspirations for 2014, particularly concerning the reuniting of families through the Parent and Grandparent (PGP) program.  With the backlog reduced by 50 percent, the government has taken action to further reduce wait times and speed up processing times.  With a commitment to admit 20,000 applicants in 2014, and cap the accepted applications at 5,000 per year, the government has effectively pre-empted what could have grown to a 15 year wait and a back log of up to 250,000 applications.  The wait times are now expected to be just a third of that.

The PGP program will start accepting applications again in January.

Click here to learn more about immigration to Canada.

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