April 26, 2017

Medical Inadmissibility – Top 5 Considerations When Responding To A Fairness Letter

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Mario Bellissimo joins Mark Holthe in a Canadian Immigration Podcast to discuss the intricate and delicate topic of Medical Inadmissibility. So you’ve applied to come to Canada and the prospect of becoming a Canadian Permanent Resident is closer than ever. That is until you receive a Fairness Letter revealing an uncovered medical condition and deeming you inadmissible to enter Canada. The news of any unknown medical condition alone can be extremely painful, add to this the fact that you may be inadmissible to Canada and it becomes a very emotional situation. Before you do anything, be sure to back yourself with the highest level of advocacy!

Mr. Bellissimo has dedicated his career helping clients face the harsh reality of medical inadmissibility. He understands that coming to Canada is so much more than Immigration, it’s about wellness and seeking opportunities for health.

Below are his Top 5 Considerations when responding to a Fairness Letter:

1.Does The Applicant Know The Case To Be Met?

Understand the impacting factors of your case. Ex. What are the essential vs. non essential services of your condition? Is the medical officer qualified to render that opinion?

2. Applying The Right Test:

What is reasonably going to occur within the next 5 years. What is probable and not what is possible.

3. Understand The Delivery Of Health And Social Services:

Create a mitigation plan. What services or treatments will be conducted privately? What will require Public funding?

4. Understand The Legal Timeline:

How is your condition going to play out over the next five to ten years?

5. Request For An Extension.

Don’t rush, if you ask for it later, it may not be granted.


To hear the full Podcast, please click here.

For more information on Medical Inadmissibility here.