July 24, 2014

Speeding Up Recognition of Foreign Credentials

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Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Canada will now make it a priority to identify foreign credentials in 10 additional job fields. This is great news for employers across Canada as it allows them to recruit talent from a larger domestic talent-pool.

One of the goals of recognizing these foreign credentials is to help lessen the need for temporary foreign workers by making better use of the talent that already exists in Canada.

The 10 new occupations are:

  • Geoscientist;
  • Carpenters;
  • Electricians;
  • Heavy-Duty Equipment Technicians;
  • Heavy Equipment Operators;
  • Welders;
  • Audiologists;
  • Speech Language pathologists;
  • Midwives;
  • Psychologists; and
  • Lawyers

Immigrants who have foreign credentials in now what will be a total of 24 job fields, will have their qualifications assessed within one year anywhere in Canada.