June 26, 2015

BLG Tours T.O. All Summer Long!

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

With the warmer temperatures and sunnier days, summer is the perfect season to get out on your spare time and enjoy all that the city has to offer! Members of our communications and marketing team will be doing just that, and keeping you updated throughout their adventures.

From June 26th to September 8th, join us as we tour Toronto landmarks, festivals, events, and local communities to provide a glimpse into city living and all the fun things it has in store! We’ll also keep a close eye on the Pan Am and Para Pan Am games as they unfold. Here’s who will be keeping you updated:

Alissa 3


Alissa: She will be signing her posts as -A.



Fabiola: She will sign off as -F.


Nora: She will sign as -N.


Come along on our adventures by following us on Twitter and Facebook, and stay tuned for all things hashtagged #BLGtoursTO on social media!

