March 2, 2016

This Week’s Success Story: Submissions Help Grant Work Permit and ARC Approval

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Posted by Fabiola Arevalo - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Our office was approached by a young man with respect to his options for returning to Canada. He had been previously deported from Canada, however, had a valid job offer as a caregiver.  After assisting his employer to obtain a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment, we submitted an application for a work permit with an accompanying Authorization to Return (ARC) to Canada for the young man.

We made strong submissions with respect to the circumstances surrounding his departure from Canada, the need for him to return to Canada, as well as the steps that he had taken since his departure to upgrade his education and find work in his chosen field. Our submissions and supporting documents were accepted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and both his applications for work permit and ARC were recently approved.