August 28, 2008
When are the Minister’s Instructions Coming?
I have been receiving several questiosn about when will the Immigration Minister’s instructions be issued with respect to immigrant skilled worker applications and more to the point, which occupations will remain of interest to Citizenship and Immigration Canada? Latest reports from the the halls of the House of Commons in Ottawa is that an October 13th, 2008 Federal Election may be in the offing.
Will the Immigration Minister’s instructions proceed during an election?
I believe they will. My feeling is that we will see the new instuctions in the next couple of months. Could it be on the election platform??? The Liberals may be proposing new immigration legislation if elected in effect looking to repeal legislation they supported just a few months ago.
Will the instructions survive court scrutiny?
Most likely but what may not is how they process applications filed before and applicatiosn now out of favour.
Stay tuned – interesting times ahead.