April 30, 2008

Cheap and Easy IS NOT the Way to Go . . .

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Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Think long and hard before you entrust your immigration, refugee or citizenship case to just anyone. One of the hats I wear is immigration counsel for COSTI Immigration Services – one of the largest Immigration Settlement Services in all of Canada. I volunteer my time to see as many immigration and refugee applicants/claimants that time allows. A good number of the individuals who come to see me are either represented or have been represented in the past.

I am to this day, after many years of hearing the same story, still surprised by how many people fall for the old marketing pitch:

“This can be done cheap and easy – no worries!”

In fairness to people though, they want to realize their dreams, money is not always available and we all want to hear that it will be easier rather than more difficult. That what we hear about how complicated, how long and how difficult it may be is not our case but someone else who is not lucky enough to meet the person sitting before me – the person who will make my immigration dreams come – cheap and easy!

I also recently assisted and attended at a filming of a public service announcement that will run on TV warning people about unauthorized representatives shattering not only immigration dreams but lives. This is good work and an excellent sign that there are going to be serious attempts in the Canadian immigration industry to really educate people about the risks. Buyer beware – cheap and easy IS NOT the way to go! Good luck out there.