Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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14 Feb 2023

Judicial Review Allowed

Our client retained us following the refusal of her study permit application. The Decision was unreasonable and as such, we challenged the decision to the Federal Court of Canada. Following the submission of written pleadings by both parties, Leave was granted and the matter proceeded to a Judicial Review hearing.  

At the hearing, we presented compelling arguments and shortly after, the Application for Judicial Review was allowed. The Judge set aside the refusal and now, our client’s application for a study permit will be remitted back to another Officer for redetermination where she will be allowed to provide additional evidence and legal submissions. We are very pleased we could achieve such a wonderful result for our client and wish her all the best with her goal of studying in Canada.  

1 Feb 2023

Refused PRRA Successfully Challenged at the Federal Court of Canada

Our client retained us following the refusal of his Pre-Removal Risk Assessment. We challenged the decision at the Federal Court of Canada, where Leave was granted. After carefully examining the Certified Tribunal Record, i.e. all the information the Officer relied on for their decision, we noticed the complete application was missing. We received a letter from the Department of Justice on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) offering a settlement to our client. Our client’s application for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment was remitted back to another Officer for redetermination, where he will be allowed to provide additional evidence and legal submissions. We are thrilled that we were able to achieve such a result for our client!

18 Jan 2023

This Week’s Success Story: Humanitarian and Compassionate Arguments Overcomes Challenging Inadmissibility and Leads to Successful PR!

A young family entered Canada nearly 5 years ago and made a refugee claim fleeing their country of nationality seeking refuge from threats and risks born from a secret society/cult. Despite the continuing dangers, their refugee claim was rejected. Seeking to protect themselves and primarily their young child, they appealed the decision to the Refugee Appeal Division, which was still unsuccessful, so then turned to the Federal Court, which application was also dismissed. Desperate, they applied for permanent residence under an H&C application. The families’ circumstances were examined, and they received an approval in principle – first stage approval, an exemption. However, then, they faced a finding of inadmissibility for medical inadmissibility.

In the time they were in Canada they had another child whose circumstances needed to be considered. We worked with the family and the medical professionals involved in the family member’s care, determining that the anticipated costs were in fact over the 5-year threshold as suggested, although advocated that the overage was not excessive providing proof, and also argued that when also considering the family’s collective circumstances, if needed, any further exemption should be granted. We got to work on presenting both a plan for continued care in Canada and the negative effects that would befall the entire family, which included two young children if the application was refused for medical inadmissibility. When Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) examined both their medical and non-medical factors, their application was finally approved, allowing the family to remain together, safe in Canada.

6 Jan 2023

Judicial Review of PR Refusal Allowed

Our client retained us following the refusal of her permanent residence application. We challenged the decision to the Federal Court of Canada, where Leave was granted and the matter proceeded to a Judicial Review hearing. With extensive case law research and  preparation of both written and oral arguments, we were able to achieve an excellent result for our client. The Application for Judicial Review was allowed and the Officer’s decision was set aside. Our client’s application for permanent residence will be remitted back to another Officer for redetermination, where she will be allowed to provide additional evidence and legal submissions. We are thrilled we were able to achieve such a wonderful result for our client and wish her all the best in her journey to become a Permanent Resident of Canada!