Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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4 Oct 2021

This Week’s Success Story: Couple Reunited at Last!

Like many, our client had been separated from her spouse for a long period of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions and lengthy visa processing times. Earlier this year, we assisted in preparing an Application for Permanent Residence supported by an Application to Sponsor and Sponsorship Undertaking by our client’s spouse in Canada. This month we were pleased to receive notification that our client’s application was accepted and she would be able to join her spouse in Canada. We are ecstatic to have been able to achieve this excellent result in such a short period of time and wish them all the best building their future and new memories together in Canada!

23 Sep 2021

This Week’s Success Story: Overcoming Excessive Demand Finding Due to Chronic Kidney Disease Leads to Successful PR!

We worked on a PFL response last year for an individual with Chronic Kidney Disease who has been determined to expect to create an excessive demand in Canada based on an anticipated need for dialysis or a kidney transplant in Canada. We spent considerable time working with the family, medical experts and provincial authorities addressing Government policy changes to build a reasonable and well supported plan. The response focused on the applicant’s individualized circumstances examining both the applicant’s medical and non-medical factors, and also examined the applicant’s eligibility for the identified public social services in the province of destination. We advocated for an amended medical profile to M3, which we are pleased to report was successful.

15 Sep 2021

This Week’s Success Story: Family Maintain Permanent Resident Status Following Cessation Application

We were retained by a family following the success of their refugee claim and permanent residency after they received an Application to Cease Refugee Protection from the Minister. After being assigned to the file, we conducted research, met with the clients and discussed possible strategies.

After hearing preparations and two long hearings, our clients were successful and the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) dismissed the Minister’s Application to Cease Refugee Protection. Our clients were able to maintain their status as permanent residents in Canada. We could not be happier for our clients who can continue onto the next chapter of their lives in Canada without fear of losing their status.

13 Sep 2021

This Week’s Success Story: Humanitarian and Compassionate Arguments Leads to Successful PR!

When one of our clients approached us, they were in a very difficult situation. They had fled from their home country where they were being pursued by family as well as the government. The family claimed refugee status which was eventually refused. They exhausted all of their appeal options and were worried about having to return to their country of origin where were they were in danger.

They then filed a humanitarian and compassionate application with a different representative, however they approached us for a second opinion. We believed that the application could be strengthened and to that end, we submitted an update to the humanitarian and compassionate application. The update highlighted the clients’ specific circumstances as well the current law and case law. Despite having no status in Canada and having been refused refugee status, the visa officer believed that there were sufficient humanitarian and compassionate factors, based on the arguments and evidence we submitted on the client’s behalf. The family was granted permanent residence in Canada and have since settled in and continued to grow their family here. We wish them all the best!