This Week’s Success Story: Spousal Sponsorship Appeal – Genuine Marriage
This month, we successfully helped two clients appeal the refusal of their spousal sponsorship application.
Our clients fell in love online despite differences of religion, education, and caste, and eventually decided to marry despite intense opposition from both sides of the family. Sadly, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada disbelieved that people from such different backgrounds would genuinely choose to marry one another, and claimed that if they had really wanted to live as husband and wife in Canada, they would have first gotten to know one another’s families and held a big traditional wedding.
We worked closely with both spouses to help them explain the deeply personal story of how they had started as friends and fallen in love unintentionally. With our assistance, our clients learned how to effectively document and testify about their struggle to reconcile cultural/family pressures with their feelings, their realization that they wanted a future together despite their different backgrounds, and their extensive, continuing efforts to bring their families around so that they could eventually hold that big traditional family wedding in the future.
In the end, our clients were able to convince the Immigration Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board that their marriage was absolutely genuine, and the Board announced it would set aside the refusal on very day of their hearing. We wish them a romantic and prosperous future together!