Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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26 Dec 2018

Parental Sponsorship Application Approved Despite Medical Inadmissibility Finding

We worked on and recently had a successful conclusion of a parental sponsorship application that had taken nearly 10 years. The matter was under review for medical admissibility for renal failure – End Stage Renal Disease. Following careful medical evidence review, medical research and consultation with professionals, we discovered that the information relied by the Department in concluding that the Applicant would cause an excessive demand in Canada was incorrect. We submitted the correct information, carefully set out the need for dialysis or a transplant to be remote given the Applicant’s particular circumstances, and applied the Kidney Failure Risk equation. Following all of this, the application was approved, and we are pleased to inform that the family will be reunited in Canada after waiting nearly a decade.

19 Dec 2018

Certificate of Rehabilitation Granted Despite Inadmissibility Finding

We recently completed work on a matter where our client was unaware that he was inadmissible to Canada. During the process, Canada Immigration found the client to be inadmissible to Canada, preventing travel to Canada. Substantial evidence was collected and submissions made, first to support the client’s misunderstanding of the inadmissibility, and then the client’s rehabilitation, which was necessary to remove the permanent inadmissibility. We are pleased to inform that our client was granted a certificate of rehabilitation, removing the inadmissibility permanently, and allowing for travel to Canada.

12 Dec 2018

Spousal Sponsorship Application Approved in Record Time

A client retained our service to handle their spousal sponsorship application. Her spouse was a British national and they had spent many years travelling back and forth to see each other and finally decided to tie the knot. They wanted to spend their lives together in Canada so they decided to apply for spousal sponsorship. We handled the case from beginning to end. We developed submissions for the case, presenting the facts and proof of genuineness of their relationship. Our submissions were comprehensive and addressed any issues. This application was processed in a timely manner, as all evidence was accurate, clear and to the point. The couple received the approval letter announcing that the visa will be issued shortly. The couple is extremely excited to begin their married life together in Canada.

5 Dec 2018

LMIA Application Approved After a Potential Refusal

We assisted a client with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) application as they needed a specialized medical assistant to fill a position. They found that none of the candidates within Canada fit the job requirements. We submitted a detail report on all the applicants, with explanations as to why they did not fit the profile accordingly. The LMIA was heading towards a refusal by Service Canada as they stated not enough effort was made to hire a Canadian citizen. After doing some research, we had a second look at the resumes in question and decided that the employer was correct in regards to not offering a position to the Canadian applicants. These applicants had much higher expectations and all had higher level credentials than the position required. We argued that those applicants would not last on the job, as they were looking for something in their own specialization. In conclusion, the officer was convinced that the employer was right in not offering the position to those applicants. Therefore, we turned this situation from a potential refusal, into a positive LMIA decision. The employer is happy and we are pleased that we were able to reverse the first impulse of the officer to refuse the application. The satisfaction of a job well done!