Our Recent Immigration Success Stories

At Bellissimo Immigration Law Group PC, we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations. We represent immigration applicants from far outside Canada, from the time they step foot into the country’s airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our immigration clients often tell us after their case is concluded that it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street. So every month, we post a few stories to celebrate our immigration success stories and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey…

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31 Oct 2018

Stay of Removal for Man with Schizophrenia

After an immigration officer refused to defer the removal of our client, we asked the Federal Court to intervene and stop his deportation from Canada. We argued that the risk of return for our client had not been properly assessed, given changing country conditions and our client’s mental health. Before even reaching a Federal Court judge, the Department of Justice consented to our request.

While our client has not ensured his permanent position in Canada, he has been granted another opportunity to explain to an officer why his removal at this time is unreasonable. This additional time may also mean that his outstanding immigration applications will be decided before he is again faced with removal.

24 Oct 2018

Refugee Protection for Woman and Children from Caribbean

Last week, a young mother appeared before the Refugee Protection Division; her claim has now been accepted. Our client faced persecution on the basis of being a bisexual woman. Our office worked with the claimant to prepare her for giving difficult testimony and to support her claim through documentation from her country of origin; we successfully argued that even though women are not typically targeted, the fact that homosexual acts remain illegal is evidence of government tolerance for violence against sexual minorities. Happily the Member agreed.

Our client can now build a life in Canada with her children without fear of return.

17 Oct 2018

Bench Positive for Refugee Reconsideration

After succeeding at Federal Court last year, our clients again appeared before the Refugee Protection Division. Facing changing country conditions and their abandoned asylum claim in the U.S.A., they had a difficult claim to prove. We assisted the clients in preparing for their hearing and made submissions on the basis of “compelling reasons” arguing that their past experiences were sufficient to render return, even at this time, unconscionable.

This young family, who has already been in Canada for nearly five years, will not be separated from other Canadian relatives. In the next months they will become permanent residents of Canada.

10 Oct 2018

Caribbean Woman Who Faced Lifetime of Domestic Abuse, Finds Refuge

Our office worked closely with an illiterate woman from the beginning of her refugee claim. We helped her tell her story on paper for the purposes of the Personal Information Form and also carefully prepared her for answering questions at the hearing. In consideration of her experiences, we were also able to secure designation as a Vulnerable Person, which allowed our counsel to lead the questioning at her refugee hearing. This type of accommodation is of great use for individuals who have survived trauma as it may make the refugee process less intimidating.

Our client was found to be a Convention Refugee and is now preparing to re-claim her life her in Canada.