March 26, 2013

High anticipation for the re-opening of the Federal Skilled Worker Program

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

With the re-opening of the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) on May 4th, 2013, foreign nationals looking to apply are awaiting several important announcements expected to be made in April including:

  • The cap on the number of applications that will be accepted
  • The list of priority occupations
  • Information regarding the designated educational assessment organisations.


The list of priority occupations indicates which professions in Canada have a demand for skilled workers. Citizenship and Immigration Canada state that the fields most in demand for skilled labour lay in healthcare and natural resources management.

The eligibility requirements for the FSWP are currently:

  • Have worked for at least one year in a paid, full-time position during the last ten years
  • Be able to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in either English or French
  • Obtain at least 67 points on the point grid, which is determined by factors such as language proficiency, work experience and education
  • Assess, authenticate and be given an equivalent Canadian value for foreign credentials.


With such building anticipation for the program’s re-opening, applicants are encouraged to prepare their documentation well in advance.

Click here for more information on the FSWP

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