January 24, 2022

Canada Welcomes the Most Immigrants In A Single Year in 2021

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

On 23 December 2021 the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), announced that Canada had reached its target and welcomed more than 401,000 new permanent residents in 2021. Despite the challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, this is the most newcomers in a year in Canadian history, surpassing the previous record from 1913.[1]

Although the pandemic has disrupted global migration, Canada’s immigration levels targets have increased during the pandemic and application processing continues.[2] While the pandemic will continue to pose challenges for IRCC in 2022, IRCC maintains they remain committed to its three-fold immigration policy objectives of strengthening the economy, reuniting families, and assisting those with a humanitarian need.[3]

Under the current plan, Canada aims to welcome 411,000 new immigrants in 2022 and 421,000 in 2023, however these figures may be adjusted when the federal government unveils their new levels plans. Due to growing labour shortages, application backlogs, and the federal government’s commitment to resettle 40,000 Afghan refugees, Minister Fraser confirms there is the possibility of even higher levels, assuming that Canadian employers and communities are receptive to the idea.[4] The Canadian government is set to announce its Immigration Levels Plan for 2022-2024 this February.[5]

“Last year, we set an ambitious goal. Today, we achieved it. This is a historic moment for our country, as we welcome the highest number of newcomers in one year in our history. I want to thank all the employees in my department, especially our Operations Sector, who made this possible. Canada is built on immigration, and we will continue to welcome the immigrants that Canada needs to succeed. I can’t wait to see the incredible contributions that our 401,000 new neighbours make in communities across the country.”

– The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship


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