September 26, 2013

Canada’s Population Estimated to be Over 35 Million

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Canada’s population has grown past 35 million in the past year according to Statistics Canada. According to Statistics Canada, the current population is estimated to be 35,158,300.  Statistics Canada noted growth within the western provinces and terriroties, particularily Alberta, resulting from record levels of immigration, people arriving international as well as from other provinces. In contrast, provinces in the east showed a decline in population growth. Statistics Canada comment that the decline is due to a low rate of births as well as the frequent out migration that occurs within the Atlantic provinces. Nonetheless, Canada’s population continues to grow with a 1.2 percent increase from last year, and is estimated to incur a similar increase in the following year.

Click here to learn more about permanent migration to Canada.


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