Category: Blog

10 Mar 2014

Plan your March Break right!

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

March notes the beginning of spring, and the month when students in Canada have their Spring Break! Students have either one or two weeks of holidays from school to enjoy the beginning of a new season. Although March break dates vary between continents and school districts, it is widely known that March Break is one of the most popular travel times of the year. As March Break is not a national holiday, not everyone has the luxury of this mini vacation. However, fret not as there are still many March Break themed events you can check out during the week! Here are just a few events taking place in Toronto:

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7 Mar 2014

Tomorrow is International Women’s Day!

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

March 8, 2014 is International Women’s Day, an event celebrated in countries around the world. The day is to show appreciation for the women in our lives: mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, friends, neighbours, leaders, and inspirational figures. On March 8th we will be celebrating the lives and achievements of more than half of the world’s population! To read more about the history of the day see the official website.

So what are you doing for the women in your life this weekend?

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7 Mar 2014

Canadian athletes at the Paralympic Games March 7 – 16!

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Canada excelled this year at the XXII Winter Olympic Games held February 7 – 23, 2014. Today it’s time to cheer on our Paralympic athletes who will compete in Sochi, Russia this week from March 7 – 16, 2014! Each Olympic year, both the Paralympic and Olympic Games are held two weeks apart in the same host country and use the same sporting venues and organizing committee.

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20 Feb 2014

Bill C-24 – Amendments to the Canadian Citizenship Act: Citizenship To Be Redefined, Re-positioned and Re-evaluated

Posted by Mario Bellissimo - Bellissimo Law Group PC

On 6 February 2014 the Government of Canada introduced Bill C-24, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. The Act proposes to fundamentally transform the meaning, scope and processing of Canadian citizenship. The important details, found within a complex set of proposed amendments necessitates a detailed cost-benefit analysis of the legal consequences of allowing mass changes to everything from eligibility to appeal in a larger-than-life overhaul of the legal landscape surrounding citizenship as we now know it in Canada.

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