Category: Blog

15 Jan 2011

Admissibility Hearings Decreasing!

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The Immigration Division finalized 2853 admissibility hearings over a period of twelve months ending November 30th, 2010. 1278 of those were completed in the Central Region. This constitutes a 14% decrease nationally…

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11 Jan 2011

How Can I Speed up the Process?

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Q: I am a Canadian who lost my wife to cancer. I re-married with somebody I met online. She was living in Canada for 10 years, but she did not have proper documentation.She was…

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19 Dec 2010

Federal Court Updates

Posted by admin - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Some quick hits from the Federal Court of Appeal and Federal Court: The Honourable Appellate Justice Stratos assume the position left vacant at the Federal Court of Appeal by the Honourable Appellate…

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