November 15, 2010

Citizenship & Immigration Canada is Human!

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Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) is not a collection of computers and voicemail systems. Although on certain days we would swear a statutory declaration that there is not a living breathing soul at CIC when we become immersed in the voicemail system, to the contrary the system is operated by humans. In particular, officers, often in certain areas of speciality, that will come to remember you and your client. As we compare notes, so do they! Do not assume a bureaucracy is too large to notice. Not all immigration officers are created equal A bureaucracy is a collection of individuals that are at times in competition with one another, improperly motivated, and driving in different directions. Although the Department strives for consistency, as we are well aware, same cannot always be approximated especially throughout the world. It is however important to understand that the animus of such inconsistency at times is not tied to the bureaucracy but the individual.