February 17, 2011

Counsel Evening Session to be Repeated Given Huge Demand

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The counsel session on Tuesday February 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. EST Boardroom 6B/C (6th Floor),74 Victoria Street,Toronto, ON,M5C 3C7 which featured the following program Moderator: HazelynRoss, Assistant Deputy Chairperson – Immigration Appeal Division

Topic 1: Ethical Issues before the Board


Gary Segal, Counsel (Chair), Hazelyn Ross, ADC, Eric Katz, Counsel

Topic 2: 10 Key Practice Cases

Panel: Mario D. Bellissimo, C.S. Counsel (Chair), Hazelyn Ross, ADC, Joel Rubinoff, Legal Advisor

will be repeated in March 2011 given the huge demand. Approximately 100 persons attended and there is a 200 person waiting list. It was a very informative and advanced session which I was delighted to be part of on behalf of the Immigration Appeal Division.

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