October 20, 2011

Cut immigration applications to fix backlog, Kenney says

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

See story at http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2011/10/20/pol-kenney-immigration-cut-applications.html#storybody

A couple of years ago I wrote in a few articles and was also quoted in a story in the Toronto Star Newspaper that I predicted family class applicants would eventually be capped.  This article suggests not only will sponsoring parents for example be capped but additional requirements including potentially the posting of bonds to cover health costs etc may be imposed.

Will there be a rush to file the applications in one day to ensure an applicant submits the application on time like in the investor category this past year?  Demand is clearly outweighing supply and so the need to prepare timely, fulsome and complete applications has never been more critical.

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