February 17, 2011

Effective Advocacy for Immigration Lawyers a Huge Success!

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Our law Society of upper Canada program on February 15, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the OBA Conference Centre, 200-20 Toronto Street, Toronto, ON was an informative, interactive and engaging program. It was a well attended program both in person and on Live Webcast. Topics canvassed want to be a more effective advocate for your immigration clients? Valuable tips and strategies on how to be more persuasive in making written and oral arguments were presented. Whether lawyer’s clients are businesses, families or individual refugee claimants, their advocacy skills were enhanced by attending this informative session.

A big thank you to our speakers:

The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael L. Phelan, Federal Court
Lois D. Figg, Assistant Deputy Chairperson, Refugee Protection Division, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Barbara Jackman, LSM, Jackman & Associates
Betsy Kane, C.S. Capelle Kane Immigration Lawyers Professional Corporation
Joel M. Rubinoff, Legal Advisor, Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

This session will be repeated in June, details to follow.

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