February 14, 2013

Eight more countries added to the list of Designated Countries of Origin

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Minister Jason Kenney has announced 8 more countries that will be included in the list of Designated Countries of Origin.

As part of the new asylum system that came into effect on December 15, 2012, the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act included the authority to designate countries of origin – countries whose citizens will have their asylum claims expedited for processing because they are considered to be safe.

The eight countries that have been added are:

  • Mexico
  • Israel (which excludes Gaza and the West Bank)
  • Japan
  • Norway
  • Iceland
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Switzerland


Under the new refugee system, claimants from designated countries will receive a full hearing within 30-45 days. Claimants from non-designated countries receive a hearing within 60 days.

Failed claimants from designated countries will still have a chance to appeal to the Federal Court to review a negative decision; however they do not have access to the Refugee Appeal Division at the IRB.

Click here to view the initial list of designated countries of origin

Click here to learn more about claiming refugee status in Canada

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