June 13, 2011

Entrepreneur Wait Times for Removal of Conditions

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Q. What are the wait times for the removal of conditions in Entrepreneur Cases by region? I have heard reports that wait times can be as long as 4 years. Is there a policy governing the removal of conditions? What does CIC consider an acceptable wait time?

A.A. Answer from CIC: It is the responsibility of the entrepreneur to provide CIC with sufficient and timely evidence of their compliance with conditions for at least one year within a three year period from the day they become permanent residents. Therefore, the wait times for the removal of conditions are directly dependant on the entrepreneur.

The Application to Cancel Conditions (IMM 5244) is available for entrepreneurs to have their conditions of permanent residence cancelled and the policy on the monitoring and removal of these conditions can be found in the Entrepreneur Program Operational manual on the CIC website.

Average wait times according to current statistics range from 3.5-3.8 years.

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