September 19, 2011

Federal Court of Appeal and Federal Court Education Seminar: The Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts

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This just in from the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal for those interested:

This Fall, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the enactment of the Federal Court Act and the enhancement of federal jurisdiction from that conferred on the Exchequer Court from the early days of Confederation.

The event will be marked by a reception and dinner on Thursday, October 27, 2011, at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, with a keynote address by the Right Honourable Beverley M. McLachlin, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada.

A conference on the jurisdiction of these national courts is planned for Friday, October 28, 2011 at the Ottawa Convention Centre, with representatives of the Courts, Bar, and Academia to address the subject from different perspectives. Judges from the Federal Courts in Australia and the United States of America will add an international dimension to the exchange. A draft agenda is attached.

We hope that you can join us at these events. Please see the attached registration form for further information and guest dinner options. For further information, please communicate with Chantelle Bowers at 613-995-5063 or at

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