October 15, 2013

Foreign Crops Could Prove Economically Beneficial

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Comfort food is sure-fire way to allay a case of homesickness, even if for just a few minutes.  As Canada continues to experience an influx of immigrants, our culture diversifies and comfort food isn’t always as readily available as it may be for Canadian-born citizens.  While some exotic foods, like mangoes and sushi that used to be rare, are now readily available at the local grocery store or the restaurant down the street, it’s not the case for everything.  Foods like callaloo (also known as amaranth), yard long bean, and garden eggs, are a bit harder to come by even though they are popular, everyday foods in other countries.

Of course, it isn’t as simple as finding a spare, fallow plot of land, laying down some seeds and expecting them to provide us with perfectly grown produce several months later (not that it’s necessarily that easy for Canadian crops either), but foreign vegetables are just that – foreign, and it’s often because they require specific climate conditions.  But figuring out how to incorporate them into our current crop production could allow for great benefits.  By introducing new crops that appeal to the immigrant population, Canada could be tapping into an enormous under-served demand and opportunity for economic growth.

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