August 27, 2012

FSW Backlog Stay Hearing to be Heard in Ottawa on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

We will be arguing that a stay remain in effect preventing Citizenship and Immigration Canada from terminating Federal Skilled Worker applications filed prior to February 28, 2008.  Amongst the potential outcomes the following could occur:

  1. A Stay is Granted for the Entire Class of FSW Applicants.
  2. A Stay is Granted for only those Applicants before the Court.
  3. A Stay is Not Granted but the proceedings continue without a Stay in effect.


To this end we will only be accepting new applicants until September 5th, 2012  3:00 PM EST.

Join the Class Proceeding by September 5th, 2012 Click Here 

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