April 5, 2013

Immigration Statistics for 2012

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

MediumPhoto23Immigration statistics for 2012 have been released.  275, 451 Permanent Resident applications were accepted this year while 79, 814 were refused, giving the country a 78% approval rate, with the majority of accepted applicants from the economic category being skilled workers and from the non economic category, the majority of applicants were from the family class.  The country also helped settle 23, 619 refugees in 2012.

Remaining visas issued in the economic category were:

  • Business – 9,534
  • Provincial Nominees – 38,658
  • Live-In Caregivers – 9,195
  • Canadian Experience Class – 9,471


Remaining visas issued in the non-economic category were:

  • Humanitarian & Compassionate – 8, 662


Currently, the People’s Republic of China has received more Permanent Resident Visas than any one country with 32,999, followed by the Philippines and India.

As for the Canadian provinces most popular to settle down among foreign workers in 2012, Ontario leads the way with 71,233, with British Columbia ranking second with 49,488.

Click here for more information about Permanent Residency.


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