August 11, 2011

Investor Class

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Q: Given the economic benefits Investor applicants bring to Canada through their investment as a condition of immigration and after arrival to Canada, would CIC consider allocation of additional resources to these types of applications? I appreciate these applications take specialized knowledge to process; had CIC considered reopening Business Immigrant Coordination Centers which used to have the specialized knowledge and expertise to process these types of cases?

A: Response from Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC):

While we recognize that these cases are more complex to process, increasing the number of investors admitted each year it is not simply a matter of allocating more resources. As you are aware, the Annual Levels Plan establishes the total number of permanent resident admissions to Canada, while balancing several objectives and adhering to operational constraints. The IIP is one of many immigration programs; therefore, increasing investor processing would take room in the annual levels plan from other immigrant categories thus negatively affecting those commitments.
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