May 4, 2022
Is Canada Welcoming to Immigrants?
Canada has become one of the top destinations for immigrants and refugees across the globe. It’s comparatively open policies and well-regulated immigration system is one that allows for a flow of hundreds of thousands of migrants from all parts of the world each year. This reputation of welcoming immigrants and creating a national multiculturalist society has strengthened over the last half century. In fact, one-fifth of the Canadian population is made up of foreign-born individuals, making it one of the highest ratios among Western nations.[1]
The Migration Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), known to be the most comprehensive tool for calculating integration policies among international policymakers, releases international scorecards which essentially rank several countries among five continents in terms of their policies. Canada has ranked number 4 on this index because of its immigrant-friendly policies which seek to emphasize the countries equal opportunities and rights for immigrants and the security individuals new to the country.[2]
A similar index poll was released in 2021, by Gallup poll. This poll’s results placed Canada at highest rank, with a migrant acceptance index score of 8.46 in comparison to its neighbour the United States of America, who found itself in sixth place with a score of 795.[3] The poll asked individuals from 145 countries what their thoughts were in regards immigrant welcoming countries. To see Canada ranked number one on such a broad poll is strong proof that Canada as a nation is immigrant friendly and tailors its immigration system to the needs of individuals who come from all corners of the globe to seek a better life.
Canadian citizens who reside in the country also uphold a very positive attitude towards immigrants with a recent poll noting that only about 30% of Canadians view yearly immigration rates as too high.[4] In fact, the majority of Canadians who positively welcome immigrants understand that the incoming migration flows have been crucial to the development of Canada as a nation and will continue to advance the country on all levels in the global context. The Canadian government’s multiculturalist policies and have played an important role in the welcoming of migrants throughout the years.
This welcoming and important migration flow has been portrayed in the recently released 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan which display the highest goal number of migrants in recent decades. The government plans to admit 431,645, 447,055, and 451,000 permanent residents in 2022, 2023, and 2024 respectively.[5] This is all in light of the roughly 401,000 admissions of permanent residents which took place in the year of 2021.
A study done by Statistics Canada does indeed reveal that immigrants in Canada are much happier in comparison to the population of people in their country of origin.[6] While there are selection factors in regard to those that are granted immigration that can produce this difference, the level of satisfaction which has been revealed through studies like this clearly prove that Canada is a nation where life satisfaction increases for those in question.