December 20, 2011

Latest Immigration Appeal Division Updates: Stats, Facts and Processing Times

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The Central Region continues to absorb the majority of the appeals filed at the IAD and has the largest inventory of the three regions. The Eastern Region received 25% of the total appeals, the Central Region received 47% and the Western Region received 28%.

This year, the IAD has remained relatively productive despite a decline in member complement. The decision-maker complement averaged 30 in 2011-2012, 12% less compared with 2010-2011 (April to October). Another issue that has had an impact on productivity is the fact that IAD member resources need to be coordinated with and matched by CBSA Minister’s counsel resources. To maintain its productivity levels, the IAD will need to continue to make use of innovative adjudication and case management strategies.  

The significant downward trend in ADR resolutions (24% less in this fiscal year than last) has continued in the second quarter of this fiscal year. The IAD is currently working on new streaming guidelines for ADR, and has begun discussions with CBSA at regional and national levels to discuss the optimal use of ADR in achieving resolutions.

The total number of appeals waiting for a decision at the end of October 2011 is 11,736 (note that this includes 1,914 decisions where the IAD has ordered a stay of removal and where there will be a final review before the appeal is finalized).  This reflects a very small increase (statistically insignificant) when compared to last fiscal year.

The average processing time for appeals decreased slightly to 11.1 months from 11.4months in the last quarter of 2010-2011.

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