April 10, 2013

Mentoring Gives Skilled Immigrants Better Chances at Employment

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

A recent study by ALLIES (Assisting Local Leaders with Immigrant Employment Strategies), , immigrants are far more likely to not only gain employment, but gain it in their respective field by utilizing a mentoring program. By connecting an internationally-trained professional with a Canadian counterpart, a mentoring program gives newcomers the opportunity to create networks and build relationships, ultimately strengthening the economy.

The study showed that after a twelve month mentoring period of skill-assessed immigrants the unemployment rate had decreased from 73% to 19% — with the majority of employed mentorees working in their field and average full-time earnings up over 60%. During this time they were instructed on Canada’s job market, as well as specific business requirements and work cultures,

With a mentoring program in place, not only does our economy become stronger, but newcomers are better integrated. We all stand to gain.

For more information regarding immigrating to Canada, please click here.

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