March 27, 2009
National ImmQuest Magazine Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary!
One of my passions is acting as Editor-in-Chief for the production of a national Canadian Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Newsletter entitled ImmQuest published by Carswell. For five years, twelve issues a year, twelve pages per issues and over 700 pages of articles, interviews, case summaries, questions and answers as well as hundreds of contributions from leading lawyers, judges, consultants, and academics. Quite a feat and we thank you all for your contributions.
ImmQuest is based on the premise of asking immigration questions – hence the name ImmQuest. We raise issues, ask key questions and solicit responses and comments from our leading experts. We focus both on the legal and human element of the world of immigration, citizenship and refugee law and policy.
Happy fifth anniversary ImmQuest and cheers to your very important place in the written landscape of immigration,citizenship and refugee law. Thank you to our team and thank you to all our subscribers across Canada!