October 22, 2012

New Citizenship Judge Appointed

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Roy Wong has been appointed as a Citizenship Judge in Vancouver for a three year term. Mr. Wong holds a Bachelor of Arts from New York University, a Licentiate in Law from Université de Montreal and the Certificate of Qualification for Common-Law from the University of British Columbia.  He also has a lengthy history as a lawyer, and used to be a member of the Law Society of British Columbia and the Barreau du Quebec

The following citizenship judges have been reappointed to three-year terms:

  • Ann Dillon (Vancouver)
  • Renee Giroux (Montreal)
  • Anne-Marie Kains (Vancouver)
  • Terrence O’Malley (Regina)

Citizenship judges are in charge of making decisions with regards to citizenship applications, presiding over citizenship ceremonies and administering the oath of citizenship to new citizens.