October 26, 2012

New Conditional Measure to deter Marriage Fraud

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has introduced a new regulation that requires certain sponsored spouses to live in a legitimate relationship with their sponsor for two years after they receive their permanent resident card or they risk losing their permanent resident status.  This new regulation will help deter marriage fraud, and prevent people from abusing the system.  “Canada’s generous family sponsorship program was being abused because many people were marrying only to get a permanent resident card and then leave their partners.”

The new regulation applies to spouses or partners in a relationship of two years or less who have no children in common with their sponsor at that time they submit their sponsorship application.

The exception to this new regulation is if the sponsored spouse or partner suffers abuse or neglect. The exception would also apply in the event of the death of the sponsor.

This conditional measure is now in effect, it applies to permanent residents in relationships of two years or less, with no children in common, whose applications are received on or after October 25, 2012.

Click here to learn more about the Family-Class Sponsorship program!


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