December 19, 2012

New Federal Skilled Worker Program will accept applications starting May 4, 2013

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) will re-open and begin accepting applications on May 4, 2013.

The government is placing great emphasis on language proficiency and youth. It is believed that these are the two most important factors in the economic success of immigrants.

The final changes to the FSWP selection criteria include:

  • Minimum official language thresholds and increased points for official language proficiency, making language the most important factor in the selection process.
  • Increased emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience, are better positioned to adapt to changing labour market conditions, and who will spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada’s economy;
  • Introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), so that education points awarded reflect the foreign credential’s true value in Canada;
  • Changes to the arranged employment process, allowing employers to hire applicants quickly, if there is a demonstrated need in the Canadian labour market; and
  • Additional adaptability points for spousal language ability and Canadian work experience.

“Our transformational changes to the FSWP will help ensure that skilled newcomers are able to contribute their skills fully to the economy as soon as possible. This is good for newcomers, good for the economy, and good for all Canadians” Said Minister Jason Kenney.

Applicants will have to demonstrate that they meet the minimum language threshold, which is level 7 of the Canadian Language Benchmark assessment system. Applicants will also have their education credentials assessed prior to arriving in Canada.  A list of assessment organizations designated by the Minister will be made available early in the New Year.

The new FSWP will accept a fixed number of applications each year in order to avoid backlogs and will now be processed in a few months rather than a few years.

Considering immigrating to Canada under the FSWP? Contact us today!

Click here to learn more about the FSWP!

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