May 4, 2015

New Labour Market Impact Assessment Rules- Essential Reading

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Canadian immigration law is constantly changing – and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program is no exception. Employers filing applications for Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA) after 30 April 2015 should be aware of the new rules.

All new LMIA applications will now be marked as either “high-wage” or “low-wage”, depending on the new provincial/territorial median wage table. The table determines the wage which must be paid to a foreign worker and is based on a combination of factors, including occupation and region. This categorization can impact both whether an application is approved, as well as the related processing time.

Employers should continue to review the wages being paid to temporary foreign workers in order to ensure compliance with the new table. Further, employers should also note that as of 1 July 2015,  there will be limits on the percentage of low-wage employees that can be hired.

For more information on LMIA’s and Work Permits, please click here.

For more information on helping you comply with the rules, please contact us.

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