January 30, 2012

New Study Shows PNP Program a Success

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

According to a new study released by Citizenship & Immigration Canada, the majority of individuals selected to immigrate under the Provincial Nominee Program are succeeding in Canada. The study also confirms that the PNP program is effective in spreading the benefits of immigration across the country.

The program is the second largest economic immigration program after the FSW program and allows participating provinces and territories to nominate potential immigrants who they believe will meet their particular economic and labour market needs. The program currently accounts for over 36,000 new permanent residents per year.

The report focused on the economic outcomes and mobility of provincial nominees between 2005 and 2009. Although it found differences in economic outcomes by province, territory and stream, from a national perspective it found over 90% of PN’s declared employment earnings after their first year in Canada. Average income ranged between $35,200 and $45,100.

Areas which need improvement are some aspects of the program design, delivery and accountability. While each province and territory is currently responsible for the requirements for their nominee categories, the report recommends that there be more continuity to ensure better economic outcomes. Suggested changes are minimum language requirements and stronger links between PN occupations and specific labour market needs. It also calls for greater clarity in the roles and responsibilities of the provinces and territories and CIC visa offices abroad.

In addition, the report recommends that CIC work with the provinces and territories to strengthen the focus on the PNP objective of encouraging the development of official language minority communities. Finally, the evaluation proposes that a common PNP monitoring and reporting framework be established to strengthen overall accountability.

In 2012, CIC plans to admit between 42,000 and 45,000 immigrants under the PNP category, including spouses and dependants. This year, the provinces and territories will retain the same overall and individual PNP nomination allotments as in 2011.

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