October 29, 2015

Pandas Born at Toronto Zoo: A First in Canadian History!

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

When you think of a typical Canadian bear, grizzlies or polar bears may come to mind. After all, our wonderful North is known to be home to the fluffy, white-furred fellows –just take a look around when you’re in Churchill, Manitoba. However, pandas are now stealing the show!

On October 13th, Er Shun (Toronto Zoo’s beloved panda on loan from China) gave birth to two cubs –the first to be born in Canada! The pair are said to be doing fine, growing more and more each day. Of course, they’re getting a little help from experts, including zoo staff and incubators from Toronto Sick Kids Hospital.Though the two are not named yet and don’t have their characteristic black and white fur, these are sure to pop up in time. Stay tuned to media outlets for the big announcements!