July 26, 2017

Planning A Trip Soon? Don’t Forget This.

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Posted by Fabiola Arevalo - Bellissimo Law Group PC

With technology, our world is more connected than ever before but sadly we are also more disconnected from nature than we have ever been. Most of us would agree that the word “vacation” is like music to the ears and while most of us are eagerly planning our next trip, many of us forget about the powerful benefits of getting closer to nature.

According to a 2014 report by the Canadian Parks Council, 80% of Canadians are living in cities and on average 90% of our time is spent in-doors. With so much time spent on our screens, a vacation immersed in nature is just what we need to boost our mental and physical well-being. Japanese researchers examined forest-based exercise in patients with diabetes and discovered that walking in green spaces compared to build environments lowered stress hormones, decreased markers of inflammation, improved immune functioning and positive mental outlook.

Lucky for us, our country has some amazing provincial and territorial parks. But how do you get the most out of nature if strenuous hiking, long road trips or camping isn’t really your thing? The Rocky Mountaineer, for example, offers a relaxing train ride into the Canadian Rockies. You can sit back and enjoy a meditative journey into Jasper, Banff or Lake Louise. Once you arrive at your final destination be sure to soak in your environment, the sounds of birds, the ripples of water, examine the details in leaves etc. Be present and mindful to nature’s greatness.

So next time you’re booking a trip, maybe consider one that will leave you with a sense of connectedness and well-being. That sense of awe we feel in jaw-dropping natural landscapes is just what the doctor ordered.