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Provincial Nominee Program – Saskatchewan

Wondering whether you qualify for the Saskatchewan provincial nominee program? Keep reading to learn about the requirements.  


Basic Requirements for entrepreneurs include:

  • Have at least 3 years entrepreneurship or relevant senior management experience
  • Have a personal net worth of at least $300,000 CAD
  • Have a minimum three years entrepreneurial or relevant business management experience.
  • Deposit $75,000 CAD in trust and sign a Performance Agreement to carry out the Business Establishment Plan, which will be refunded if the terms are met within two years of landing.

International Skilled Workers

  • Score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the point assessment grid.
  • Have a minimum of one-year work experience in the past ten years in your intended occupation.
  • Have a minimum language score of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4.  CLB 4 is the minimum; employers and regulatory bodies may require higher language scores.
  • Obtain proof of eligibility for Saskatchewan licensure from the regulatory body if your intended occupation is in a regulated profession or compulsory apprenticeship trade information.
Skilled Workers/ Health Professionals/Students

There are several requirements that are applied to skilled workers, health professionals, and students before they will be considered:

Basic Requirements

  • Have an offer of permanent, full-time employment OR
  • Have worked in Saskatchewan for at least six months on a temporary work permit.

Skilled workers is divided into three sub-categories:

  • Skilled Workers/Professionals
  • Critical Occupations Position
  • Existing Work Permit

Health Professionals is divided into three sub-categories:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other Health Professionals

Hospitality Sector Project is divided into three sub-categories:

  • Food and Beverage Server
  • Food Counter/Attendant/Kitchen
  • Housekeeping / Cleaning Staff
Long haul truck drivers

There are two main requirements for long haul truck drivers:

  • Long haul truck drivers – must first begin working in Saskatchewan for an approved trucking firm on a temporary foreign work permit;
  • If an approved trucking firm offers them permanent employment, after a minimum of 6 months employment they may apply to the SINP for permanent resident status.

There are 5 requirements for students who have graduated from a Saskatchewan Institute 

  • You have graduated with a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Saskatchewan.  The program must have been equivalent to at least one academic year (eight months) of full-time study.
  • You must have worked for at least six months (with minimum 960 hours) of paid employment in Saskatchewan.
    *Eligible types of work experience in Saskatchewan include on- campus, off-campus, co-op terms, graduate fellowships that can be verified by your institution, and work experience gained on a post-graduate work permit.
  • You have applied for and received a valid post-graduation work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).
  • You have a current, permanent, full-time job offer in your field of study from a Saskatchewan employer in an occupation in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix level “A”, “B”, “0”; or in a designated trade or a job offer that is related to your field of study and requires post-secondary education.
  • You have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.

Students who have graduated from an institute in Canada – might qualify if you:

  • Have graduated with a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized post-secondary educational institution in Canada (outside of Saskatchewan). The program must have been equivalent to at least two academic years (16 months) of full-time study.
  • Have worked for at least 24 consecutive months of paid employment (with a minimum of 3840 hours) in Saskatchewan after graduation and after receiving a valid post-graduation work permit.
    *Eligible types of work experience in Saskatchewan include work experience gained on a post-graduate work permit.
  • Have applied for and received a valid post-graduation work permit from CIC.
  • Have a current, permanent, full-time job offer in your field of study from a Saskatchewan employer in an occupation in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) Matrix level “A”, “B”, “0”; or in a designated occupation or a job offer that is related to your field of study and requires post-secondary education.
  • Have a valid SINP Job Approval Letter.
Farm Owners / Operators

Farm owners or operators must meet the following 4 requirements in order to qualify:

  1. Must have a net worth of $500,000 Canadian Dollars (CAD).
  2. Must sign a Performance Agreement committing to purchase a farm operation in Saskatchewan and make a “good faith” deposit of $75,000 CAD in trust.  The cash deposit will be returned to you when the terms of the Performance Agreement are met.  The deposit will be forfeited to the Province if the terms are not met within two years of landing in Saskatchewan.
  3. Mandatory visit to Saskatchewan – you must have conduct a comprehensive exploratory visit to Saskatchewan of no less than five working days and must meet with an SINP representative.
  4. Farm operation knowledge and experience – you must provide documentation (e.g. education and training, work experience, financial documents of their previous operations) that demonstrates that you are a knowledgeable farm operator.  If necessary, we may further verify this information through an interview when you are in Saskatchewan.
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