June 19, 2012

Reform Update from IRB

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

The IRB reported that they have reduced their pending inventory from a high of almost 62,000 cases in October 2009 to just over 42,000 cases as of October 2011. They predict that approximately 38,000 cases will remain outstanding by the end of June 2012.

Immigration and Refugee Board’s top priority continues to be planning for the implementation of the Balanced Refugee Reform Act (BRRA). The IRB has had to make several adjustments to the initial implementation timelines and will be using the time to further test and refine its processes and procedures in the new system and to make any other adjustments that may be necessary.


Registry – The Board’s Registry Working Group has begun creating a national registry training plan which focuses on the new rules and procedures under the BRRA.

NOVA (case tracking tool) – The NOVA information technology project is the IRB’s case tracking tool. It was initially launched in August 2011 and continues to be a priority.

Human Change Management – Reform’s Human Chance Management (HCM) consultant continues meeting with regional management to offer coaching on effectively managing in times of change. Two rounds of focus group sessions with all levels of staff in regions and at headquarters have already been completed.

Business Process Improvement –The Business Process Improvement (BPI) lead is working with the regions and headquarters to further the use of daily report out meetings in various units and directorates. This initiative was established to assist the IRB in better meeting the new hearing timelines under BRRA.

Pre-Removal Risk Assessment – the Board has made great progress on the PRRA process as it will be transferred to the new RPD. The PRRA working group is responsible for developing the overall approach to the adjudication of PRRA applications.

Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) – The RAD Working Group has been working on a series of RAD hearing simulations which have provided valuable information. An oral simulation took place in Ottawa on September 22, 2011 and another was conducted on December 1, 2011 with internal and external participants respectively. Advice was gathered on how to improve the file, forms and documents for further upcoming mock hearings. This feedback will be used to modify existing tools and to create new ones.

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