December 20, 2011

Refugee Claims Awaiting A Decision . . .

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC


The number of cases in theinventory continued to decrease in the first few months of 2011. After apeak of 61,700 cases in the fall of 2009, there were 48,300 at the end of March2011 and 42,232 at the end of September. In October 2011, however, an increasein the number of referrals and a decline in the number of cases finalizedincreased the national inventory by about 100 cases, bringing theinventory to 42,400 on October 31, 2011.

Mexico is still the top countryin the inventory, although the number dropped from 8,000 in March 2011 to lessthan 5,000 at the end of September. The inventory of cases from Haitifell from 3,140 to less than 1,800, also from March to September 2011. However,the recent sharp growth in claims from Hungaryincreased the number of cases in the inventory for that country from 3,800 to4,700 between March and September.

China and Colombiahave inventories of about 3,000 and 2,200 cases, respectively. In addition tocases from Haiti,the RPD has 1,000 cases in its inventory for the following countries: India,Namibia,Nigeriaand Sri LankaEl Salvador,the Czech Republicand Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,whose inventories were more than 1,000 in early 2011, fell below the 1,000 markin early September 2011.

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