May 2, 2023
Inadmissibility due to Misrepresentation & Criminality successfully removed!
Our client had a minor, single conviction that dated well over a decade and was unable to travel to Canada to visit family as his conviction rendered him criminally inadmissible to Canada. We assisted him with a Criminal Rehabilitation application made to an overseas Embassy. In addition to the individual’s criminal inadmissibility, there were also circumstances of a failure to disclose the criminal background on previous applications, leading to various findings of misrepresentation, which too were disclosed within the application. Following very lengthy processing and our consistent follow ups with the Embassy, our client finally received a decision after three years. We were pleased to learn that the application was recently, and finally, approved, and the prior misrepresentations overcome. Additionally, our client’s criminal inadmissibility has been permanently removed and he is now free to seek entry to Canada!