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March 16, 2023

Success at the Federal Court Leads to Approval for Canadian Permanent Residence

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Our office was initially retained to assist our client with respect to the refusal of his permanent residence application on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds (H&C).  We challenged the decision to the Federal Court, which upon Judicial Review was granted. Accordingly, his H&C application was remitted back to a new immigration officer for redetermination. He was also given the opportunity to provide additional documents and legal submissions in support of his application. 

Once his H&C application was re-opened, we assisted our client by providing guidance on documents and legal and factual arguments that could further demonstrate that he was a good candidate for permanent residence and did research into the hardship he would face should he be removed to his country of birth. Following the submission, we received an email from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (“IRCC”) confirming that our client’s application for permanent residence was approved.  

We were thrilled and could not be happier for our client, who can remain in Canada and continue to build his future here. To learn more about humanitarian and compassionate grounds application or to assist with your application contact us today!    

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