August 19, 2016

This Month’s Featured Success Stories!

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Posted by Fabiola Arevalo - Bellissimo Law Group PC

At BLG we are privileged to work on behalf of many wonderful people, companies and associations.  We represent people from the time they step foot into the country in airport waiting rooms all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Our clients often tell us after their case was concluded it would have helped to know of similar stories that are real and not just what you hear on the street.  So every month we post a few stories to celebrate our success and offer some comfort to those who will soon embark on a similar journey . . .

Extensive Submissions Grant Settlement Offer for Inadmissibility Finding

We were happy to receive another settlement offer from the Department of Justice on a Federal Court matter scheduled for judicial review. Following receipt of our arguments, which highlighted a number of errors in the Visa Officer’s decision to refuse the application, the Department of Justice agreed to settle the matter and have the application redetermined by a different Officer. This is excellent news for our client, who was found to be inadmissible to Canada on problematic grounds.


Detailed Submissions Grant Spousal Sponsorship Despite Criminal Inadmissibility Finding

We recently worked on a Spousal Sponsorship application for a family that had been living overseas for a number of years. We assisted them in presenting the sponsor’s re-settlement plan, together with the family’s settlement plan, as well as established the spousal relationship. In addition, the applicant was criminally inadmissible for a matter dating back quite some time that did not have a direct criminal equivalence in Canada. With careful and detailed submissions advocating for rehabilitation, the application was recently successful and the family members granted permanent residence to facilitate their move to Canada.

Sponsorship Granted Despite Criminal Inadmissibility Finding

We assisted a person who was being sponsored to Canada under Common-Law Spouse Class. After the application was submitted, the applicant was charged and subsequently convicted of a criminal offence in Canada. The applicant was therefore facing a refusal due to criminal inadmissibility. We were pleased to learn that after our extensive submissions, IRCC granted status to the applicant under humanitarian and compassionate grounds!


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