March 1, 2017

Toronto’s Warm Weather to Break Temperature Records

Posted by Legal Team - Bellissimo Law Group PC

Today in Toronto, Environment Canada is calling for a high of 16 C, which is three degrees higher than the record set 17 years ago on March 1, 2000!

With such temperatures, it might feel like Spring has arrived. However, Toronto is going to get chilly yet again on Thursday, with a high of -1 C .

As of last night, the Weather Network also released its spring forecast predication for all of Canada. Canada’s weather predictions for the next few months are as follows:

“Warmer-than-normal temperatures are expected to dominate the spring season in parts of eastern Canada, especially near the U.S. border from the Great Lakes through the Maritimes.. Near to above normal temperatures become more consistent during April and especially May with a quicker-than-normal transition from spring to early summer-like temperatures.”

In sum,  it sounds like a warm spring is on its way. Stay tuned for The Weather Network’s summer forecast, which will be released in May.