December 19, 2012

West Canada More Prospective for New Immigrants

Posted by blgpc_web - Bellissimo Law Group PC

A recent paper by Statistics Canada shows that the Prairies are the most prospective in terms of job market and availability. It shows that Quebec has the worst labour market. The paper had also reported that Alberta had the country’s lowest immigrant jobless rate last year and that established immigrants had even higher rates of employment than Canadian-born workers. Established immigrants are migrants who have been here in Canada for over 10 years. Immigrants are vital to Canada’s growing labour efforts and economy, and are estimated to make up for more than 80% of the population growth by 2031.

However, in the Prairies it is apparent that the jobless rate for immigrants is significantly lower than in other provinces such as Ontario and Quebec. Immigrants within the Prairies and British Columbia made up more than half of immigrant employment growth. Immigrants living and working within the Prairies can find themselves as the most employed group of foreign-born individuals. The census also took a look at of what origins had the highest and lowest employment rates – Philippines workers as most employed, and African-born workers as the least employed respectively.

To learn more about immigrating to Canada, please click here!


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