September 26, 2008
Where Has September Gone?
In my line of work extensive travel is a way of life. The speed at which the summer and now September has gone by has been astonishing. This is my first immigration posting of September and the month is nearly over. The election is upon us and Canadian permanent resident immigration files all over the world have been put on hold awaiting the Minister’s (maybe a new one) instructions. There is rampant speculation that the immigrant visa skilled worker program will be suspended for a few years or more. Either way, Immigration Canada is moving in bold new directions because of necessity and towards temporary labour to meet current needs. I do hope in all of this though we do not forget that good immigrants cannot always fit into cookie cutter categories and sometimes a good sit down with a potential applicant that does not “fit” the criteria but has that burning desire to make a difference and leave Canada better than s/he found it, has a lot of merit.